Quinte Conservation and Watersheds Canada
Quinte Conservation (Belleville) and Watersheds Canada in Perth, Ontario, invite waterfront property owners within the Quinte Watershed to take part in The Natural Edge Program….
Opportunities with the Cloyne and District Historical Society
The Cloyne and District Historical Society has two great positions available at the Pioneer Museum! The position of Curator is a great full-time opportunity for…
AGM Questions, ‘My Account’ & Instagram!
AGM Questions – Every year, during the AGM, the Board receives questions that we often have to take back and research the answers to. The…
SDRA Members’ Donations to Land O’ Lakes Food Bank
The Land O’Lakes Food Bank is grateful for the generous donations from 57 members of the Skootamatta District Ratepayers Association. Please know that your contribution of $1,585 will…
Giant Swallowtail spotted at Skootamatta in August 2019
Giant Swallowtail|Papilio Cresphontes I saw this magnificent butterfly in our garden and captured the photo on some phlox. I’ve never seen the Giant Swallowtail so…
Hunting of Double-Crested Cormorants
The Ontario Government is proposing to establish a hunting season for the double-crested cormorant. See the proposal here. Lake Steward, Anders Holder, provided the following…
2019 Photo Contest & Quinte Conservation Fall Dam Drawdown
Chainsaws can be heard all over the lake now, which can only mean that winter wood is being prepared and consequently, cottage season is coming…
SDRA Lake Festival Fun This Weekend!
There are only a few days left until the SDRA’s Annual Lake Festival at Trail’s End! Will you be at the cottage this weekend? Come…
The 8th Annual Skootamatta Lake Festival is this Saturday!
The schedule for the day is as follows: 9:00 am – 9:15 am Set up9:15 am 5 KM registration only9:30 am 5 KM run10:00 am –…
Quinte Conservation and Ontario Provincial Budget
Following the recent Ontario provincial budget, a notice went out from Quinte Conservation that they were losing over $300,000 in provincial funding that they had…
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