Camping By-law
Hi All, The Township of Addington Highlands has passed a By-law to regulate camping on municipal property. The SDRA was at the table during these…
Loon Eggs
We are sure most of us enjoy the presence and sound of loons on our lake. It is already nesting time and members have reported…
Great News! 2021 Garden Club Plant Sale!
The Land O Lakes Garden Club has just received clearance from KFL&A Public Health to proceed with their Annual Outdoor Plant Sale! This year, the…
2021-2031 MLFI Forest Management Plan: What does it mean for SDRA members?
While as lakefront property owners, we prioritize our lakefront experience, it is well recognized that theforests that surround our lakes and our properties are also…
Current Water Level
We were asked about water level in the lake so we reached out to Quinte Conservation for clarification. Their reply is below. SDRA Board “All…
Camping on Public Land
The Ontario Government has issued an order prohibiting camping on public land. In the short term, this will address concerns we have had about campers…
News Release: Ontario Strengthens Enforcement of Stay-at-Home Order
Implementing Stronger Enforcement, Travel Restrictions, Public Health Measures to Stop the Spread of COVID-19 and Save Lives April 16, 2021
Stay at Home Order: Can I go to the cottage?
With Ontario under a stay-at-home order that will last until at least May 6th, the Federation of Ontario Cottagers’ Associations (FOCA) has been fielding calls…
2021 Membership Kick-off
Now that the ice is out and the spring flowers are starting to bloom, it’s time to kick-off the 2021 season! While we don’t know…
Ontario Government: Recreational Camping Prohibited on Public Land
Under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, Recreational camping is prohibited on public land, including Crown land until further notice. This is to stop…
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