Author: BK7
Skootamatta Ice Update
Wow, big changes in the last few days. The ice could go out any time now. There is a big open area close to Bible…
Skootamatta Ice Contest Update April 14, 2023
This is the view over our contest test area this morning (Friday 4/14/23). Still more ice than water. But with today’s temperatures I wouldn’t be…
Land O’Lakes Speakers’ Forum
Please see the following about the Land O’Lakes Speakers’ Forum: Our first Speaker is this Wednesday. April 12th will be an extra special event in…
Ice Contest Update
The Great Canadian Skootamatta Ice Contest is well under way. We have 113 guesses this year. I am always amazed how many we get. Already…
The Big Chair
We’ve recently heard about a great local project being undertaken by Tammy Whitelock. Many members will remember the large white Adirondack chair that first appeared…
SDRA 2022 E.Coli Water Testing Results
The 2022 E.Coli testing results are in. We will be updating the site contents with historic testing data soon. Site Name Results (cfu/100mL) Upper Lake…
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