Marianne Plumb – President & Chair

After searching for two years for the right cottage, one paddle on Skootamatta Lake and we were hooked.  We bought our cottage in the fall of 2004. I had a busy executive job with a global industrial services company based in Mississauga, but somehow, we found a way to spend almost every weekend at the cottage.  After only one summer of bliss I was transferred out of country, first to Australia and later to the US, but the cottage was what continued to tether us to home.

Now that I am no longer working, I feel fortunate to be spending more time at the lake.  My husband John and our kids and grandkids look to the cottage as our gathering place, a very special spot to spend time with our extended family and friends.  I joined the SDRA Board in 2018 as a way to give back to the region that has meant so much to us and I look forward to working with such a capable group of people to help make a difference.