
The Skootamatta District Ratepayers Association (SDRA) was incorporated in the Province of Ontario as a not-for-profit corporation in 1983 to advance the interests of the property owners and their families resident on, and adjacent to Skootamatta, Sheldrake and Pringle Lakes.  The association’s mandate is outlined in the Bylaws.

The SDRA Board is made up of four officers (President/Chair, Vice-President, Treasurer, and Secretary) and several directors, including a lake steward, webmaster, and directors-at-large.

While the Board works hard to represent our members, we couldn’t do it without the efforts of our wonderful volunteers. Whether they sit on the Board, help with events, or offer up their expertise, we rely on volunteers to make the SDRA one of the most active associations in Ontario. Join us and give back to our community!