SDRA POP – Rogers Cell Tower Survey Feedback

Rogers Cell Tower Survey Feedback

In a previous communication the SDRA Board asked its members to offer feedback on the Rogers Tower Proposal that was put forward on July 15th, 2024. Thank you to those that took the time to respond. In total 26 responses were received. 

The following is a brief summary of the key themes expressed by our members. The comments included a mix of both positive comments and concerns. In all, over 75% of the comments were mostly positive and in favour of the Rogers proposal. The following topics were shared with the SDRA.

There is an overall agreement improved coverage is needed.

Many expressed the need for improved cell coverage to address gaps in existing coverage and performance issues with reduced speeds during peak times.

Recent storms have caused multiple outages around the lake, often for days at a time, where many areas had no connectivity to emergency services, etc. This includes the loss of landline connectivity as backup batteries often stop working after a few hours. With extreme weather becoming more common in the area, this additional coverage is needed by many.

While many feel coverage needs to improve, it was recognized there are potential impacts needing to be considered.

Why this location? 
Many question the need to place the tower in this specific location as it is very close to cottages and is sitting at a low point within proximity of both Skootamatta and Sheldrake Lake. It was suggested many open locations exist nearby where the tower is not so close to cottagers or sensitive lake areas and would have significantly less negative impact, while still accomplishing the overall objectives.

What has been done to assess the environmental impacts / risks? 

Questions were asked around how the area will be prepared for the tower. Will it increase the risk of fires, change the drainage patterns, impact wildlife, etc. While regulations may not require an environmental assessment, why was one not done? What would the implications be of completing one? In addition, concerns were raised on potential indigenous artifacts in the area. 


What are the health risks?

Concerns exist around the dangers of radiation or similar exposures. While there were comments in the Rogers proposal around this topic, risk to health remains a worry. The size or degree of risk remains unclear.  

Are there options to reduce visibility of the tower?

At 148 feet tall the tower risks interrupting the view scape of the area for many residences. At night there is expected to be a blinking red light that will also impact the view scape. Would Rogers consider a new location or a structure that reduces impacts to the view. 


What can members expect next? 

There is a multi-step, multi-week process in place the SDRA needs to follow. 

Key steps include:

• SDRA will submit questions, leveraging member input, by close of business August 19th, 2024.

• Rogers will acknowledge receipt of all communication within 14 days of receipt.

• Rogers will provide a formal response to the SDRA within 60 days. 

• SDRA will have 21 days to review and reply to Rogers its final feedback. To facilitate this step, once the SDRA receives Rogers response it will immediately share it with members allowing members a brief window of time to provide a response back to SDRA. SDRA will summarize our response and provide the final comments back to Rogers within the required 21 days

• SDRA will also share final communication from Rogers once received.

• Please note: SDRA is in constant communication with the Addington Highlands Council to ensure our efforts are appropriately coordinated.  


While the SDRA is responding to this consultation process on behalf of our members, the process is open to the public if you wish to provide your own feedback.

Information on how to do that can be found in the Public Consultation Package from Rogers, and you can access it using the link below:


Thanks again for your input and support of the SDRA throughout this process. We will keep you posted on any updates received. 


SDRA Board of Directors



Author: BK7