SDRA POP – Strategic Plan

** Introducing… Our New SDRA Strategic Plan ———————————————————— Dear Members,
As you are aware, in the fall of 2024 the SDRA Board embarked on the creation of a new Strategic Plan. Our members were instrumental in guiding the creation of the Plan. In our survey, we asked you: * What is it that you and your family love about “Life at the Lake”? What are the things you most want to sustain? * What things worry you the most that might impact “Life at the Lake” in the future?
Whether you responded to the survey, or participated in the in-person workshop, your feedback was captured and used to shape the components of our Strategic Plan. Thank you for your input, and for the time you invested in helping the Board of Directors build a plan that will take us forward in the next 5-year time frame, and beyond. We have encapsulated our Strategic Plan into a one-page document. The plan repositions our “Vision” and “Mission”, identifies “Strategic Priorities” which guide us to expend critical scarce resources on the right things, and outlines the 3 “Strategic Pillars” on which we are focused. Included below, you will find a link to the New 2025 -2030 Strategic Plan. LINK Watch for more information in our upcoming 2025 Newsletter. We will spend more time reviewing the Strategic Plan at the Annual General Meeting in July, and sharing how it will drive our initiatives in 2025. In the meantime, we welcome your comments and feedback at As always, the Association can only be successful with the ongoing support and engagement of our members and the community. As you will see, there is a lot of diverse and complex work to be done. We are sure there are members, or others in the community, that have significant interest or expertise in some of these areas. We encourage you to reach out and find ways to help. Many hands make light work! We look forward to an exciting year ahead, as we work together to deliver results on our new plan.
Marianne Plumb, President / Chair On behalf of the SDRA Board of Directors
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Author: BK7

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