Firstly, thanks so much to all of you who responded to our survey request of February 23rd.  It was great to see the strong level of engagement from the membership!

We had a total of 149 responses, of which 92 were supportive of the continuation of the Labour Day Fireworks event.   A substantial majority of these responses were agreeable to contributing the requested $55. 

Of those responses not in favour, a significant number were supportive of finding an alternative event to mark the end of another glorious Skootamatta summer.  There were three alternatives suggested in the survey – the Live Music-oriented and Social-oriented options received virtually equal backing, and the Children-oriented idea received a somewhat lower level.  The Board will certainly take these indications into account in planning future events.

A few families wondered about the concept of a “light show” featuring drones or perhaps lasers, but our research to date indicates that such shows are not yet affordable for a situation like ours.  

Given these survey results, your Board has elected to carry on with the Labour Day Fireworks show for 2024.  We have some good news to report, however.  We anticipate being able to maintain the suggested donation of just $35 due to some very generous offers of support from a number of business sponsors!  We will, however, still offer the option to make a larger donation in support of the ongoing economics of the event.

We will have more news to report on this development in the near future.  Look for your newsletter for more details.

The ice is out and Spring weather is almost upon us!  Looking forward to seeing everyone out on the lake soon!

SDRA Board of Directors

Author: BK7