The Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) has imposed a Province-Wide Fire Ban effective as of midnight tonight.
The subsequent communication from Casey Cuddy, Fire Chief for Addington Highlands Township (Kaladar/Barrie & Denbigh Fire Department) appears below, together with the Official Memo to all Ontario Municipalities, from Chris Cuthbertson, Director of Aviation, Forest Fire and Emergency Services for the Ontario MNRF.
From Casey Cuddy: “MNRF are putting in place an RFZ (total fire ban) at midnight tonight. This RFZ will supersede any fire ban we would be putting on so we will be acting in support of the MNRF, rather than putting on our own ban. See attached release from the MNRF (below).
Should you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Casey Cuddy, Fire Chief, CEMC
Addington Highlands (Kaladar/ Barrie & Denbigh) Fire Dept.
info: 613-336-1851 / cell: 614-391-3529 / email: kbfdchief@xplornet.ca “

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