Giant Swallowtail|Papilio Cresphontes
I saw this magnificent butterfly in our garden and captured the photo on some phlox.
I’ve never seen the Giant Swallowtail so far North and wondered if other readers have seen it. Wikipedia says it’s the largest butterfly in North America with a wingspan up to 7 inches or more. With such large wings, the butterfly is a bit awkward and flies slowly. Once on the ground, it has difficulty resuming flight because of extensive wingspan. In the southern US, the larvae can be a nuisance on citrus trees with the caterpillar being nicknamed ‘orange puppy’ or ‘orange dog’. The range is south to Columbia and north to southern Canada.
Interesting to note that Wikipedia states the increase in range of this butterfly might be the result of climate change:
‘There has been a northern expansion of the range of the giant swallowtail in recent years which has been linked to increasingly warm temperatures, and particularly to a lack of September frosts in regions of expansion starting in 2001. Larvae were then able to withstand a few touches of frost before they pupated. The immediate effects of this warming, as well as their effect on host plants and predators, can explain the giant swallowtail’s range expansion.’
Ken Hook
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