Lake Management Plan

The primary goal of the Skootamatta District Lakes Management Plan (hereafter referred to as LMP) is to establish meaningful discussion among residents and local community members to preserve the environmental, social, and recreational well being of the Skootamatta District Lakes and the surrounding community. It has been, and continues to be, an ongoing project and a living document, subject to change as the needs of the lakes change. 

The LMP covers many topics relevant to lake health, including invasive species, water quality, fisheries, wildlife, shoreline health, and boating/recreation. This information was gathered, using resident and cottager surveys, water quality testing, fishery data collection, and discussions with external stakeholders.

In an effort to understand what may impact both the environmental health of the lake, and the continual enjoyment by residents, the LMP includes past, present, and future considerations. For example, historic water quality testing and fishery monitoring provides a benchmark for analysis to compare to the current status of these indicators of lake health. Additionally, impacts of recreational activities on the lakes have increased, as more people are enjoying the lakes in new and different, more technologically advanced, ways. The major theme throughout the LMP  is lake health, as it relates to water quality, dam operations, and development. 

Open communication with government, non-profit organizations, and businesses serves to align the LMP with other programs that may influence the lakes and their residents. Discussions with the Quinte Conservation Authority about water levels and dam operations provide a deeper understanding of challenges associated with maintaining the overall watershed and how the local lakes may be impacted. Regular communication with Mazinaw-Lanark Forestry Inc. allows residents to be informed about both the extent and type of logging activities that may be taking place. Resources provided by the Federation of Ontario Cottage Associations (FOCA) helped to develop and shape this LMP to align with the standards and examples set by other Ontario associations. 

As mentioned, the key theme of the LMP is the health of our lakes, with the goal of keeping the lakes in a state that leaves them in good shape for future generations. Keeping this in mind, as the lake communities grow and change, this document is designed to grow and change as well, to reflect the current needs and priorities.